Missouri Historical Populated Places


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Historical Features are physical or cultural features that are no longer visible on the landscape. Examples: a dried up lake, a destroyed building, a hill leveled by mining. The term makes no reference to the age, use, or any other aspect of the feature. A ghost town, for example, is not a historical feature if it is still visible.

Populated Place - Place or area with clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, settlement, town, village). A populated place is usually not incorporated and by definition has no legal boundaries. However, a populated place may have a corresponding "civil" record, the legal boundaries of which may or may not coincide with the perceived populated place. Distinct from Census and Civil classes.
Displaying 76 to 150 of 331 records Back 75 Records Next 75 Records
Name County
Corbin St. Clair
Corioli Cooper
Cote Sans Dessein Callaway
Crabbs Webster
Crittenden Camden
Crumpecker New Madrid
Cuba Lafayette
Daggetts Ford Osage
Dairyville Reynolds
Dallion Ford Dallas
Dartmound St. Charles
De Camp Phelps
Delavan Jackson
Dewey Polk
Dingley Osage
Dorcas Stone
Drewel Ford Gasconade
Dryden Ripley
Eastview Taney
Eaudevie Christian
Ebb St. Clair
Edsall Cedar
Effie Callaway
El Paso Barry
Ellerslie Callaway
Elmwood Cape Girardeau
Emmett Dade
Engle Jefferson
Enough Iron
Enterprise McDonald
Eureka Boone
Everett Boone
Ezra Bollinger
Fairfield Benton
Fairview Cedar
Falk Mill Dent
Ferrys Wayne
Feuersville Osage
Fisher Carroll
Flag Taney
Flat Creek Barry
Flory Dade
Forest Park Lawrence
Fortyville Lafayette
Fourche a Renault Washington
Fourteen Bend Pemiscot
French Village Osage
Gaines Ford Maries
Gaither Lawrence
Garrett Callaway
Gaunt Ford Dallas
George Franklin
Germantown Boone
Gilbertson Ford Laclede
Glaize Camden
Grabeel Ozark
Grand River City Chariton
Grangeville Newton
Gravel Point Texas
Grays Point Scott
Green Gables Camden
Greene Springs Vernon
Gresham Polk
Gridley DeKalb
Hackler Ford Dallas
Hall Pemiscot
Hallett Mississippi
Harmony Livingston
Hawley Wright
Hazelville Knox
Head Ford Wayne
Heilburn Callaway
Helvey Reynolds
Henderson Ford Maries
Hiatt Webster
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